Landscape Contractors Association
of Long Island
• ALL commercial applicators, technicians (including Aquatic Anti-fouling Paint Applicators) and commercial permit holders are REQUIRED to file an annual report. This is required even if there were NO pesticide applications or sales during the year.
• Reports are due every February 1 for the prior calendar year. There is no need to wait until February 1 to file your report. Reports may be filed as soon as you have finished making applications for the year.
• Reports are expected even if the certification or commercial permit expired in January or a new certification was issued in December.
• If you receive a LATE notice, do not ignore this notice. We either did not receive the report or there was a problem with the report. Contact the Pesticide Reporting & Certification Section or check your e-mail to determine what the issue is.
• Use your identification card to obtain the correct identification number. Only Commercial Permits begin with the letter R. Commercial permits are issued to businesses that sell pesticides. A commercial permit is not the same as a business registration.
Common Annual Pesticide Report issues
No report filed:
• All Applicators and/or Commercial Permit holders must file a report each year, even if no applications or sales occurred during the year.
• Some applicators believe their company or agency will/must file an annual report for them. Business are not required to file annual reports for employees, though many do.
• Some Applicators and/or Commercial Permit holders do not get the reminder and fail to file an annual report. Reports must be filed even if the reminder is not received. The Department should be notified, in writing, of a change of address.
• We cannot give credit for filing a report to Applicators and/or Commercial Permit holders who write the wrong certification identification number. Check the Department issued identification card for correct ID number.
• Report sent to wrong address. The Department is not on Wolf Road. Old forms may have the old address on them. Please use a new form.
• Many hand written reports are not LEGIBLE. We cannot give credit for a report we cannot read. Hand written reports have a greater variety of EPA number errors than electronic reports.
EPA Registration Numbers written incorrectly:
• Hyphens missing, numbers omitted, numbers transposed, establishment numbers used instead of EPA product registration number. Do not use leading zeroes in the EPA number. All EPA numbers have one or two hyphens. They do not have dots or stars.
• 62719-486-34704 is correct for Signature Dimension 0.10 Plus Fertilizer. 67219-468-34704, 11800-CA-001, 6271948634704, are all wrong.
• Do not include products that are not pesticides, i.e. glue boards, mouse traps, fertilizer, adjuvants, surfactants and products that do not have EPA product registration numbers.
• Use Special Local Need Products Number (SLN) if these products were sold or applied. The format for SLN numbers is: SLN NY-170001
• Report only one pesticide product per row, even if the application is a mixture of pesticide products.
Product Name:
• Use product name, not the active ingredient or manufacturer’s name.
Amount of Product Applied, Quantity:
• Do not report amount of product + diluent. Report only the amount of product used.
• Determine amount of each product applied if a mixture is used.
• Do not report the amount of active ingredient used, report amount of product.
• This column has numbers only. If 10 grams of a product was used, 10 is in the “Quantity Column” and GM is in the “Unit Column.”
• Do not report fractions, use decimals. For example, write 0.5 or .5 and not ½. Please check decimal place.
• Use standard units, as shown on our form, not pieces, packs, chunks, G, each, bags, seconds. Write GL for gallon or GM for gram.
• Do not report rate of application, for example 1000 lb/acre. This should be in the daily use records.
• Gallons = GL, Quarts = QT, Fluid Ounces = FL, Dry Ounces = OZ, Pounds = LB, Liters = L, Milliliters = ML, Kilograms = KG, Grams = GM, Milligrams = MG.
• In most cases where individual applications are made, do not report total amount applied for the season. Report EACH application. Start and end date are generally used for cooling tower applications.
• Do not resubmit a prior year’s report. Create a new report for each year even if you make the same applications from year to year.
County code omitted, or letters used instead of numbers:
• County codes and reporting forms can be found on this page: http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/96888.html
• Report address where application occurred. This is most likely not a Post Office Box.
• In cases where address is not standard, use nearest address. Identify the exact location of the application on the daily use records, attach a map if necessary. Provide as much identifying information as possible.
Zip Code:
• Wrong zip code. Please check this information. Report the 5-digit zip code.
• Do not report applications made in states other than New York.
Mailing Address
(for electronic media and paper reports):
Pesticide Reporting & Certification Section
PO Box 10699
Albany, NY 12201-5699
Contact Numbers
Please contact us if you have ANY questions. Call before there are reporting issues.
• NYSDEC - (518) 402-8748
• Pesticide Reporting Service Bureau
o 800-281-7538 (toll free in New YorkState)
o 607-257-5707 (a toll call) outside of New York State